101 W Jefferson St, Suite A, Sullivan Il 61951
Decompression is a non-surgical, non-invasive type of traction therapy that works to stretch the spine over varying time(s) with varying forces. It is commonly used for the neck, back, arm and leg pain sufferer with disc problems and multiple other spinal problems.
Bottom Line: We are attempting to decompress ( "unjam") compressed joints and remodel ("help heal") soft tissue (discs) etc.
We offer a package of 32 treatments which includes:
A) Exam(s) as needed
B) Decompression therapy at every visit
C) Rehab Therapy ( mini-treatment) at every visit
D) Cold Therapy (5-10 minutes normal) at every visit
E) One of four additional therapies: Moist heat therapy, Laser (mini treatment), Intersegmental traction, or additional rehabilitation. (Which therapy will often vary with stages of care/improvement.
F) Three bottles of very specific whole food and/or herbal supplements concentrated to clinical potency for home care
G) Two cold packs for home care
H) Information package for better results.
Click here for a short video on decompression.